The basis of successful structures is trust between management, employees and consultants
Nina Meyer
Board member, Partner, HR consultant – Membre du Comité de Direction,Associée, Consultante en Recrutement
Nina Meyer has more than 10 years of experience in active HR consulting, and numerous years of international management experience, to help her clients succeed. She recruits managers and skilled professionals at middle, senior and top level, and does it expertly and efficiently. She sees transparent communication, fairness and openness …
ProfileMartin Seyfarth
Management consultant organisational development, trainer
For his clients, Martin Seyfarth transfers the future working world into reality, reliably and securely. As a thought leader he combines tools such as AI and cloud technology with a systematic approach to improve processes and develop new products without too much challenge for the organisation. Martin’s training programmes for …
ProfileDr. Kai Adler
Management consultant engineering and R&D, Innovation
Dr. Kai Adler works on major projects in engineering and R&D for companies where engineering is critical for their operations. He has numerous years of industrial experience focusing on special mechanical engineering and global corporate structures. For his clients he achieves long-lasting, sustainable benefits, cost efficiency and improved lead times. …
ProfileGünter Walter
Board member, partner, HR consultant
In his consulting career so far, Günter Walter has filled a total of 250 executive positions. He advises those responsible for recruitment on how to fill top positions most effectively, and understands the factors that make managers successful. Together with his clients he determines the relevant fields of work, skill …
ProfileDr. Matthias Rode
Partner, international headhunter, chair of Agilium Worldwide executive search group
Dr. Matthias Rode is a highly successful international headhunter with extensive experience in filling business-critical positions. He searches for skilled professionals, senior executives and C-level management, and more than half of these executive search assignments are of an international nature. As chair of the Agilium Worldwide executive search group Matthias …
ProfileMichael Schuh
Partner, management consultant, coach
Graduate psychologist and coach Michael Schuh facilitates individual and organisational resilience. He has 25 years of experience in management and HR consulting. In an integrative way he combines the strategic orientation of the company with the strengths and motivations of the employees. Thereby, he succeeds in scaling down demotivating influences …
ProfileWilfried Bantle
Supervisory board, partner, management consultant
Wilfried Bantle has been supporting people in responsible positions for more than three decades. His clients are entrepreneurs, board members, managing directors and executives who want to secure and develop the future of their company. One can say he is a pioneer of meaningful future structures and guides people, companies …
ProfileThierry Pho Duc
Intercultural consultant and coach for HR and organisational development, interim management
Thierry Pho Duc develops companies and organisations innovatively, systemically and theoretically. A businessman in the high-tech industry, his experience comes from 15 successful years in American, Japanese and German medium-sized companies and corporations, with particular expertise in intercultural, integrative organisational and team development. This could mean designing and implementing sustainable, …
ProfileDr. Gerald Müller
Partner, management and HR consultant
Dr. Gerald Müller is a corporate maker, successful in integrative general management, and has gathered expertise in diverse change projects for more than 20 years. For medium-sized family businesses, renowned corporate groups or international start-ups in European B2C and B2B markets, his common success factor is relevant digitalisation of market …
ProfileBettina Redl
Management consultant innovation
Bettina Redl is an entrepreneur, consultant, founder and co-founder of numerous start-ups. She systematically generates innovation, develops innovation strategies and effective business models for companies and organisations. A successful management consultant, she is also an experienced pioneer and driver of new things. Bettina’s clients are industrialists and executives who are …
ProfileMartin Roth
HR consultant, interim management
Martin Roth is an expert in recruiting top managers and executives with international assignments, and a trustworthy partner for his clients. He has an excellent global network within the medium-sized business sector and has successfully completed more than 100 assignments in the industrial and multi-channel retail fields. Martin, without doubt, …
ProfileNuray Iscan
HR consultant, executive search
Nuray Iscan has been shaping the top management of SMEs for two decades and has placed more than 180 first-rate skilled professionals and executives. She provides support for her clients in all their fields of business, with a focus on technical management positions. Nuray has in-depth market knowledge in numerous …
ProfileRico Hägele
Partner, HR consultant
Rico Hägele skilfully manages all fields of professional HR consulting. His clients include companies from the medtech, pharmaceutical and automotive industries or those in mechanical and plant engineering, for example. The secret of his success is how he combines customised search strategies, a reliable instinct for the right candidate, and …
ProfileSteffen Hilser
Board member, partner, management consultant
A strategy consultant with a spotlight on implementation, Steffen Hilser convinces people to accept solutions and enable change, achieving crucial progress with long lasting economic benefits. Steffen simplifies complexity and controls reorganisation processes. With many years of experience in decision-making positions in dynamic industries like IT, telecoms and retail, he …
ProfileHäufig gestellte Fragen zu unseren Angeboten, dem Beratungsprozess und unserer Arbeitsweise beantworten wir Ihnen hier.
Liebich & Partner konzipiert für die Praxis und begleitet Projekte bis zum Erfolg. Aus dem Zusammenwirken der Management- und Personalberatungsleistungen ergibt sich eine einzigartige Erfolgsdynamik sowie für den Kunden und ihre Projekte bzw. Mandate eine exzellente Ergebnisqualität auf der ganzen Klaviatur der Unternehmensberatung und des HR-Managements, ausgeführt durch Profis ihres Fachs. Individuell zusammengesetzte Teams bedienen die Bedarfe der Kunden treffsicher auf höchstem Niveau. Für die Arbeit sind nicht Schemata, sondern das konkrete Unternehmen und seine Situation maßgebend.
Kunden wie das renommierte Familienunternehmen Andreas Stihl AG & Co. KG in Baden-Württemberg oder die international agierende HOVAL Gruppe in Lichtenstein setzen seit vielen Jahren auf die Erfahrung von Liebich & Partner. Einen Auszug weiterer Kunden, die uns vertrauen, erhalten Sie hier. Falls Sie gezielt nach Referenzen oder Fallstudien einer bestimmten Branche oder einer Beratungsleistung suchen, sprechen Sie uns gerne direkt an.
Wir beraten Unternehmen des Mittelstands, des gehobenen Mittelstands, Großunternehmen mit nationalen als auch internationalen Strukturen.
Unsere Managementberatung beginnt klassischerweise mit der Analyse der strategischen Ausgangsposition, mündet in die Festlegung einer strategischen Zielposition nach Geschäftsfeldern, der Ableitung einer ganzheitlichen Unternehmensstrategie, welche wiederum die Grundlage für eine zukunftsfähige Unternehmensführung bildet.
Unser Executive Search Consulting gliedert sich in eine Bedarfsanalyse, die Identifikation und Direktansprache potenzieller Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten, die Auswahl, Gewinnung und Entscheidung sowie die nachhaltige Integration und Betreuung. Dank unserer breiten Expertise gelingt es uns, unser Beratungsangebot individuell auf den Kundenbedarf maßzuschneidern.
Liebich & Partner zählt zu den erfolgreichsten Adressen im Executive Search – rund um den Globus. Unser Executive Search Consulting läuft in mehreren Teilprozessen ab: von der Bedarfsanalyse, über die Identifikation, Auswahl, Gewinnung und erfolgreiche Integration im Unternehmen. Unser Ziel ist es, die besten Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten mit der passenden DNA fürs Unternehmen in jedem Zielland zu finden. Mit mehr als tausend erfolgreich besetzten Führungspositionen sind die Berater von Liebich & Partner Experten für nationales und internationales Headhunting. Nehmen Sie direkt Kontakt mit uns auf. Danke für Ihr Vertrauen.