
Liebich & Partner is a leading independent management and HR consultancy

Liebich & Partner

The expertise of all consultants is based on numerous years of experience in management and HR consulting projects, on several years of service at top management level of renowned companies and organisations, and as entrepreneurs themselves, they are familiar with the multifaceted challenges of entrepreneurship.

Since 1983, the consulting company based in Baden-Baden has successfully combined management consulting and HR consulting for national and international companies and organisations.

Our team of consultants supports and facilitates the entire change process, from conception to implementation, and enables all those involved to master their development effectively and permanently.

In all important economic regions of the world, our HR consulting achieves the best results in executive search assignments and is one of the most successful addresses in international executive search. Liebich & Partner is an active member of Agilium Worldwide, one of the top 20 executive search organisations worldwide.

Executive Search Consulting

Symbiosis of management and HR consulting

All Liebich & Partner consultants are experts. Many years of multi-faceted consulting experience, careers as top managers in renowned companies, and entrepreneurship enable us to achieve excellence for our clients.

We bundle this profound wealth of experience in management and HR consulting individually and specifically for your company’s success. And our highly efficient mixed teams consist only of professionals.

We embrace the latest trends and impulses from technologies, innovations and digitalisation, evaluate them and systematically integrate them into reality for our clients, on both national and international levels. We are successful implementation consultants, ambitious and work with realistic milestones.

Liebich & Partner has been working for your integrative success for 40 years. In transformation projects as well as HR development projects – we live and perfect the symbiosis of management and HR consulting for the benefit of our clients and to shape change.

Change only succeeds with people. After all, forceful innovation and future viability depend on highly skilled professionals and key executives. We guide and develop, we recruit critical top managers for your company, we coach and train specialists, including the next generation.

As an independent consultancy firm we select our partners and collaborators according to their added value to client projects. They complement Liebich & Partner’s services and strengthen our effectiveness. Everything for the future of your company.

Trust is indispensable. The basis for trust is genuine relationships, partner-like and honest interaction without taboos, and total transparency in every phase of an active project. The right management or HR consultant is with you permanently, in active and inactive phases.

We fill key positions in all important economic regions, at home and abroad, making us one of the most successful addresses in international executive search. We have also proven our success in international management consultancy projects on manifold occasions.

We offer in-depth expertise in succession projects, both inside and outside the family where it is especially important to approach this issue early on. For decades we have successfully searched for, developed and supported succession processes.

Reputable references from all industrial sectors verify our expertise. Furthermore, our record of qualitative awards from several renowned business media testifies that our customers are more than satisfied. Recently the most important business journal WirtschaftsWoche awarded us the title “Best HR Consultant” in two categories – Mechanical & Plant Engineering and Automotive, and Focus-Business named us “TOP Consultant” in the HR consulting category.

Supervisory Board

Bild von Wilhelm Bauer, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Prof. e. h.

Wilhelm Bauer, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Prof. e. h.
Chairman of the Supervisory Board, head of the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO at the University of Stuttgart

As head of the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering, Wilhelm Bauer supervises a research organization with around 700 employees. He is responsible for research and implementation projects in the fields of innovation research, technology management, life and work in the future, and smarter cities. Furthermore, he is an advisor in …

Bild von Luc Burgard

Luc Burgard
Member of the Supervisory Board, COO of Recipharm

Luc Burgard has been heading up pharmaceutical and biotech companies for more than ten years. He is currently COO at Recipharm – a pharma company operating in Contract Development and Manufacturing Organization (CDMO) – and is responsible for 30 sites and 9,000 employees worldwide. During the pandemic he was Head …

Bild von Wilfried Bantle

Wilfried Bantle
Supervisory board, partner, management consultant

Wilfried Bantle has been supporting people in responsible positions for more than three decades. His clients are entrepreneurs, board members, managing directors and executives who want to secure and develop the future of their company. One can say he is a pioneer of meaningful future structures and guides people, companies …


Board Members

Bild von Steffen Hilser

Steffen Hilser
Board member, partner, management consultant

A strategy consultant with a spotlight on implementation, Steffen Hilser convinces people to accept solutions …

Bild von Nina Meyer

Nina Meyer
Board member, Partner, HR consultant – Membre du Comité de Direction,Associée, Consultante en Recrutement

Nina Meyer has more than 10 years of experience in active HR consulting, and numerous …


Passende Antworten auf Ihre Fragen

Häufig gestellte Fragen zu unseren Angeboten, dem Beratungsprozess und unserer Arbeitsweise beantworten wir Ihnen hier.

Liebich & Partner konzipiert für die Praxis und begleitet Projekte bis zum Erfolg. Aus dem Zusammenwirken der Management- und Personalberatungsleistungen ergibt sich eine einzigartige Erfolgsdynamik sowie für den Kunden und ihre Projekte bzw. Mandate eine exzellente Ergebnisqualität auf der ganzen Klaviatur der Unternehmensberatung und des HR-Managements, ausgeführt durch Profis ihres Fachs. Individuell zusammengesetzte Teams bedienen die Bedarfe der Kunden treffsicher auf höchstem Niveau. Für die Arbeit sind nicht Schemata, sondern das konkrete Unternehmen und seine Situation maßgebend.

Kunden wie das renommierte Familienunternehmen Andreas Stihl AG & Co. KG in Baden-Württemberg oder die international agierende HOVAL Gruppe in Lichtenstein setzen seit vielen Jahren auf die Erfahrung von Liebich & Partner. Einen Auszug weiterer Kunden, die uns vertrauen, erhalten Sie hier. Falls Sie gezielt nach Referenzen oder Fallstudien einer bestimmten Branche oder einer Beratungsleistung suchen, sprechen Sie uns gerne direkt an.

Wir beraten Unternehmen des Mittelstands, des gehobenen Mittelstands, Großunternehmen mit nationalen als auch internationalen Strukturen.

Unsere Managementberatung beginnt klassischerweise mit der Analyse der strategischen Ausgangsposition, mündet in die Festlegung einer strategischen Zielposition nach Geschäftsfeldern, der Ableitung einer ganzheitlichen Unternehmensstrategie, welche wiederum die Grundlage für eine zukunftsfähige Unternehmensführung bildet.

Unser Executive Search Consulting gliedert sich in eine Bedarfsanalyse, die Identifikation und Direktansprache potenzieller Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten, die Auswahl, Gewinnung und Entscheidung sowie die nachhaltige Integration und Betreuung. Dank unserer breiten Expertise gelingt es uns, unser Beratungsangebot individuell auf den Kundenbedarf maßzuschneidern.

Liebich & Partner zählt zu den erfolgreichsten Adressen im Executive Search – rund um den Globus. Unser Executive Search Consulting läuft in mehreren Teilprozessen ab: von der Bedarfsanalyse, über die Identifikation, Auswahl, Gewinnung und erfolgreiche Integration im Unternehmen. Unser Ziel ist es, die besten Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten mit der passenden DNA fürs Unternehmen in jedem Zielland zu finden. Mit mehr als tausend erfolgreich besetzten Führungspositionen sind die Berater von Liebich & Partner Experten für nationales und internationales Headhunting. Nehmen Sie direkt Kontakt mit uns auf. Danke für Ihr Vertrauen.