
Management consulting - being fit for the future

Viability and efficiency - that's what every management team wants for their company. But how can they secure an effective and positive development? Which methods for the best strategic reorientation with growth potential do they need? How do they best avoid or survive corporate crises?

Every day managers are faced with the challenges of getting their company fit for the future. What works is an integrative, sustainable approach that always puts people first.

Our consultants have numerous years of experience in strategy and management consulting for small, medium-sized and large organisations. Our concept is based on full integration, sustainability and efficiency. You won’t receive pre-prepared solutions from us. We’ll give you solutions that are tailored exactly to your company and your needs. We see ourselves as a project factory whose work is not based on textbook practices, but on the actual company and its situation.

Get your company fit for the future with our management consulting!

The advantages our management consultants can offer you

Benefit from the expertise of our management consultants:


We reveal new perspectives: we analyse your situation and guide you competently and efficiently out of a corporate crisis.


We provide orientation: we develop strategic solutions to generate profits, increase turnover and reduce costs in a sustainable way.


We identify ways to optimize internal capacities and processes and to qualify your skilled professionals and executives.


We apply methods that have proven successful when practiced.


We are always up-to-date with innovative and digital approaches: we inspire you with new ideas and increase your awareness of innovative approaches.


We have experience through which we create trust and convey know-how.

Management consulting - securing your future with strategy

The goal of any strategy is to secure the future of your business. It helps you manage the risks of a complex and volatile economic world. The problem is, you can’t buy it off the shelf. Strategy is top management’s responsibility, and can’t be delegated. Profitability and growth are a direct result of strategy. In strategic corporate management all business divisions are aligned towards the future by means of strategy-guided business concepts. All activities, ranging from organisational development to, HR management to sales, are coordinated with the goals in mind. Should economic success fall short of expectations, or tried and tested business concepts fail, there is obviously a need for fundamental strategy work.

This is where the consultants at Liebich & Partner support you with management consulting. With an integrative concept that perceives your company as a whole, we all work together to develop a strategy that matches you and your vision, and sets your company up for the future. Modern leadership approaches like our MAESTRO model support this, provide orientation and offer an appropriate basis for successful HR management in times of digital transformation.

„The key to long-term success is designing corporate processes according to commonly adopted values and improving them again and again with the outlined methodology.“

Bardo Hassemer
Head of Supply Chain Planning
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG

Management consulting - the process

Are you looking for strategy and management advice for a large corporation or an SME? No matter, our consultancy process always begins with an analysis of the strategic starting position and corporate vision. This comprises market segmentation and analysis of business fields, resources and business processes. Next we determine the strategic target position. Which are the individual target positions of the business fields? What are the resource, process and structure requirements? Once these questions have been answered, we define an integrative corporate strategy: create resource concepts, determine target processes and responsibilities, and develop business field strategies. In other words, the basis for strategic corporate management and all further decisions.


Management consulting - realising visions with Liebich & Partner

Like every manager, you have a vision. But how do you get your company fit for the future and stay true to your vision at the same time? No need for concern – the strategy consultants at Liebich & Partner are at your side. Our management consultants support you through the strategy process, moderate between the various parties, and take an independent stance based on experience and knowledge. In all phases of the process we keep an eye on the corporate vision and its implementation. It then becomes clearer to you, step-by-step, which visions are realistic and which not. During the process and at the end, it’s the people who – united by self-confidence that has grown in the process – create new realities together.

In our experience standard concepts won’t lead you to your target, but solutions geared to your company’s success will. Our concept is based on full integration, sustainability and efficiency. We see ourselves as a project factory whose work is not based on textbook practices, but on the actual company and its situation.

All our consultants have numerous years of service at top management level in renowned companies, years and years of experience in consulting projects, and are indeed entrepreneurs themselves. With us you gain professional and comprehensive advice that, in addition to in-depth specialist knowledge and manifold years of practical experience, bring forth a fully integrated business perspective with substantial human orientation.

Would you also like to get your company fit for the future with the help of our management consultants? Then contact us!

Passende Antworten auf Ihre Fragen

Häufig gestellte Fragen zu unseren Angeboten, dem Beratungsprozess und unserer Arbeitsweise beantworten wir Ihnen hier.

Liebich & Partner konzipiert für die Praxis und begleitet Projekte bis zum Erfolg. Aus dem Zusammenwirken der Management- und Personalberatungsleistungen ergibt sich eine einzigartige Erfolgsdynamik sowie für den Kunden und ihre Projekte bzw. Mandate eine exzellente Ergebnisqualität auf der ganzen Klaviatur der Unternehmensberatung und des HR-Managements, ausgeführt durch Profis ihres Fachs. Individuell zusammengesetzte Teams bedienen die Bedarfe der Kunden treffsicher auf höchstem Niveau. Für die Arbeit sind nicht Schemata, sondern das konkrete Unternehmen und seine Situation maßgebend.

Kunden wie das renommierte Familienunternehmen Andreas Stihl AG & Co. KG in Baden-Württemberg oder die international agierende HOVAL Gruppe in Lichtenstein setzen seit vielen Jahren auf die Erfahrung von Liebich & Partner. Einen Auszug weiterer Kunden, die uns vertrauen, erhalten Sie hier. Falls Sie gezielt nach Referenzen oder Fallstudien einer bestimmten Branche oder einer Beratungsleistung suchen, sprechen Sie uns gerne direkt an.

Wir beraten Unternehmen des Mittelstands, des gehobenen Mittelstands, Großunternehmen mit nationalen als auch internationalen Strukturen.

Unsere Managementberatung beginnt klassischerweise mit der Analyse der strategischen Ausgangsposition, mündet in die Festlegung einer strategischen Zielposition nach Geschäftsfeldern, der Ableitung einer ganzheitlichen Unternehmensstrategie, welche wiederum die Grundlage für eine zukunftsfähige Unternehmensführung bildet.

Unser Executive Search Consulting gliedert sich in eine Bedarfsanalyse, die Identifikation und Direktansprache potenzieller Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten, die Auswahl, Gewinnung und Entscheidung sowie die nachhaltige Integration und Betreuung. Dank unserer breiten Expertise gelingt es uns, unser Beratungsangebot individuell auf den Kundenbedarf maßzuschneidern.

Liebich & Partner zählt zu den erfolgreichsten Adressen im Executive Search – rund um den Globus. Unser Executive Search Consulting läuft in mehreren Teilprozessen ab: von der Bedarfsanalyse, über die Identifikation, Auswahl, Gewinnung und erfolgreiche Integration im Unternehmen. Unser Ziel ist es, die besten Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten mit der passenden DNA fürs Unternehmen in jedem Zielland zu finden. Mit mehr als tausend erfolgreich besetzten Führungspositionen sind die Berater von Liebich & Partner Experten für nationales und internationales Headhunting. Nehmen Sie direkt Kontakt mit uns auf. Danke für Ihr Vertrauen.

Do you have any questions?

We value dependable, personal contact. Please feel free to contact us using the form or the phone. Of course, we will treat your queries confidentially. Our experts look forward to a respectful dialogue with you. Thank you for putting your trust in us!