Partly, this is due to demographic change, a natural result of baby boomer managers entering retirement. And partly to new demands like digital skills, changes in motivation and willingness to switch companies, as well as new work models.
Filling such gaps is very time-consuming and for in-house HR departments hard to perform with their available manpower. At the same time, the competition to find and retain skilled professionals and executives is surging.
Our HR consultants support you with professional executive search consulting. Liebich & Partner’s executive search consultants look back on careers as managing directors and HR managers in a wide range of industries. They have exactly the right experience and networks needed to find the best executive and skilled talent!
As unbiased facilitators we can use the direct approach to identify and talk to candidates in target companies we decide on together, and in your sector or related sectors
In our executive search process we can also find suitable candidates among the hidden labour force
Absolute discretion is fundamental to our quality standards – the basis for long-term success in executive search consulting
Our HR consultants know the (regional) labour markets for executives, thanks to numerous projects in Germany
As HR consultants we understand what’s behind the job title and the company setup, and can present the attractiveness of the company and the position to the candidate competently, and actively advise him or her
Our executive search consultants all have a large network of top executives in different industries and excellent connections to referral sources
The synergies of our HR and management consultancy result in even more industry contacts and vital information, setting us apart from other executive search consultancies
Our HR consultants have gained many years of experience from comparable, successful placements. They are familiar with the benchmarks, specific demands, responsibilities and the market-conform remuneration for a wide range of executive roles
You receive a 12-month guarantee on executives and skilled professionals recruited via our executive search consulting
For skilled professionals and executives, we are a significant executive search platform, especially if you are thinking about a new position within your industry or in the region where people know you. The reasons for wanting to change jobs/companies are very different: perhaps the challenge has worn off, there are not enough development opportunities, remuneration is insufficient, or there is dissatisfaction with management.
Are you looking for a new professional opportunity? In our job portal you can find top-notch positions for skilled professionals and executives. Thanks to our management consultants, our collaborations and networks, you can benefit from our invaluable relationships to numerous top organisations. As executive search consultants, we provide you with information on the financial situation of the target company, the management culture, the superior’s personality, ownership structure, succession plans, remuneration packages and personal development programmes. So you can decide whether the company fits well to you and your values, even before you apply. In executive search consulting, we support you as unbiased advisors – discreetly and with results in mind.
Our career counsellors would be happy to provide you with support in your active job reorientation.
Executive search consultants, or headhunters, there are various names for HR consultants who search for suitable skilled professionals and executives. The goal is always the same: to successfully fill positions, even those that were vacant long-term. And to do so with the person who best fits the requirements and the culture of the company. Liebich & Partner‘s consultants do not only search regionally. As a member of the Agilium Worldwide executive search group, our consultants have also been successful in numerous international search and staffing projects for many years.
Furthermore, our executive search consulting can support you when it comes to succession planning in medium-sized companies.
Do you have questions about executive search consulting or need any specific kind of support? Contact us and let us consult you in detail!
Häufig gestellte Fragen zu unseren Angeboten, dem Beratungsprozess und unserer Arbeitsweise beantworten wir Ihnen hier.
Liebich & Partner konzipiert für die Praxis und begleitet Projekte bis zum Erfolg. Aus dem Zusammenwirken der Management- und Personalberatungsleistungen ergibt sich eine einzigartige Erfolgsdynamik sowie für den Kunden und ihre Projekte bzw. Mandate eine exzellente Ergebnisqualität auf der ganzen Klaviatur der Unternehmensberatung und des HR-Managements, ausgeführt durch Profis ihres Fachs. Individuell zusammengesetzte Teams bedienen die Bedarfe der Kunden treffsicher auf höchstem Niveau. Für die Arbeit sind nicht Schemata, sondern das konkrete Unternehmen und seine Situation maßgebend.
Kunden wie das renommierte Familienunternehmen Andreas Stihl AG & Co. KG in Baden-Württemberg oder die international agierende HOVAL Gruppe in Lichtenstein setzen seit vielen Jahren auf die Erfahrung von Liebich & Partner. Einen Auszug weiterer Kunden, die uns vertrauen, erhalten Sie hier. Falls Sie gezielt nach Referenzen oder Fallstudien einer bestimmten Branche oder einer Beratungsleistung suchen, sprechen Sie uns gerne direkt an.
Wir beraten Unternehmen des Mittelstands, des gehobenen Mittelstands, Großunternehmen mit nationalen als auch internationalen Strukturen.
Unsere Managementberatung beginnt klassischerweise mit der Analyse der strategischen Ausgangsposition, mündet in die Festlegung einer strategischen Zielposition nach Geschäftsfeldern, der Ableitung einer ganzheitlichen Unternehmensstrategie, welche wiederum die Grundlage für eine zukunftsfähige Unternehmensführung bildet.
Unser Executive Search Consulting gliedert sich in eine Bedarfsanalyse, die Identifikation und Direktansprache potenzieller Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten, die Auswahl, Gewinnung und Entscheidung sowie die nachhaltige Integration und Betreuung. Dank unserer breiten Expertise gelingt es uns, unser Beratungsangebot individuell auf den Kundenbedarf maßzuschneidern.
Liebich & Partner zählt zu den erfolgreichsten Adressen im Executive Search – rund um den Globus. Unser Executive Search Consulting läuft in mehreren Teilprozessen ab: von der Bedarfsanalyse, über die Identifikation, Auswahl, Gewinnung und erfolgreiche Integration im Unternehmen. Unser Ziel ist es, die besten Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten mit der passenden DNA fürs Unternehmen in jedem Zielland zu finden. Mit mehr als tausend erfolgreich besetzten Führungspositionen sind die Berater von Liebich & Partner Experten für nationales und internationales Headhunting. Nehmen Sie direkt Kontakt mit uns auf. Danke für Ihr Vertrauen.
We value dependable, personal contact. Please feel free to contact us using the form or the phone. Of course, we will treat your queries confidentially. Our experts look forward to a respectful dialogue with you. Thank you for putting your trust in us!